
Service Form

Welcome to Modcom's Expert Technical Support Form. We are here to assist you with any technical issues you may be experiencing with your electronic devices. Please fill out the form below with accurate information so that we can provide you with the best possible support.


By submitting this form, you agree that Modcom IT Solutions will only perform and provide computer services, repairs, and upgrades as requested by the customer. Modcom will conduct honest, reasonable, and considerate services. There may be circumstances under which your computer cannot be repaired. It will have to be rebuilt or upgraded. (Examples: Age of PC, repair/replacement parts obsolete (memory chips, motherboards, etc.) The length of time required to repair your computer cannot be predicted. However, Modcom will strive to repair the problem at an earliest possible without affecting existing service orders already in progress.

You understand that in the process of working on your computer equipment, there is a potential for data loss. You agree that you have made the necessary backups of your data so that, in the event of such loss, the data cannot be restored. Modcom will not be responsible for data loss. You authorize the technician(s) providing the service or repair to install necessary software on your computer to perform required services. All software and files will be deleted upon completion of the service. The customer is responsible to obtain the proper legal licenses for all software's installed on their computers.   

A $35 diagnostic fee applies if our technicians troubleshoot without continuing service. The fee is waived if you proceed with the repair. No service refunds. We provide cost estimates before repairs, but they are not guaranteed. Full payment is due upon completion of work. Prepayment is required for ordered parts or software. We aim to fix your computer without causing harm. You agree not to hold Modcom liable for accidental damage or data loss due to existing issues like viruses or hardware failures. Software installations are not covered by the warranty. Hardware has a one-month warranty, which Modcom may dispute if the defect is user-caused.


